Hello Maple Glen Blog Friends,
We have been extremely busy here in the art room at Maple Glen and I find myself adding this post while Mrs. Buonanno's boys and girls are watching a Raggedy Ann and Andy video titled "Snowden". First grade has been learning about Johnny Gruelle, the creator of Raggedy Ann and Andy. These dolls have been around since 1920. Johnny Gruelle wrote stories about them long before he and his family made the first dolls. Did you know he was raised in Indiana and a close friend of James Whitcomb Riley's? I would love to have been a mouse in that house! He was also a political cartoonist for the Indianapolis Star. His characters are great for drawing using different lines and shapes. The children also learned how to weave using paper. Their paper weavings allowed them to tuck Raggedy Ann and Andy into bed just like Johnny Gruelle's daughter, Marcella, used to do!
The kindergarten children created crazy lines on their paper by painting with marbles. Yes! Marbles! You'll have to ask them about this experience. We also learned a little about the dripping, drizzling, and splashing techniques used by Jackson Pollock. We turned our marble paintings into a holiday ornament and lastly learned about Andy Warhol and his unusual use of color. You may have recently received a very colorful picture of Satna Clause. Andy Warhol has several wonderful renditions of our favorite elf in red!
Second grade has finished weaving in a circle. I really believe weaving is a life skill. I love teaching the children to weave and they love weaving! Building on their paper weaving experience from last year they used a paper plate as their loom. They each warped the loom and they were off weaving!!! By weaving in a circle they just continue the "over and under" pattern. There is no stopping at the end of their work to decide whether to start as an "over" or an "under". It is easier and wonderfully successful! We added tassels just for fun!
Third grade worked on their Robert Indiana project. They used letters and numbers that were personal to them whether it be their jersey number or their birthdate, their initials or the name of a favorite relative. I had the children work smaller this year. In the past, coloring their paper with markers seemed like an endless exercise. This year the project was much more managable. They have recenlty learned about Wayne Thiebaud. This lesson makes us all hungry right before lunch!
Fourth grade finished their self-portriats this week. I'll hang all the self-portriats on the bulletin board so the children can find each other. I continue to be amazed by their work. They do an outstanding job!
Before I sign off I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday break. My family and I celebrate Christmas and as of last Monday the 12th, I have a new little grandson to share Christmas with. I am looking forward to Christmas morning when my other little grandson, who is nearly two, realizes that all those boxes under Grammy's tree actually had some pretty nice things in them!