Kindergarten will be introduced to the Primary Colors this week. They will learn about the "mixing colors", yellow, magenta, and cyan blue. These colors give truer greens, oranges, and purples when mixed together. They will begin a project, using the Primary Colors, by the French artist Piet Mondrian.
First Grade is revisiting the artist Paul Klee (Clay). They studied his painting "The Rose Garden" last year and learned that he loves lines, shapes, and colors. He used spiral lines to make his roses. This year the children will learn that he also liked making puppets. The children will shape newspaper around a paint stir to begin a stick puppet. They will then cover the newspaper head with plaster strips to give the head a smooth, and strong form.
Second Grade is tracing their tropical birds on their Amate' paper with black oil pastel. This really exagerates the lines and provides a beautiful contrast to their neon colors they will add later. Art is a process. There will be many stages to this project.
Third Grade is continuing their lesson about Wayne Thiebaud and his delightful desserts! They will complete the addition of color this week and start to add shadows that make their pictures become 3-dimensional. Wayne Thiebaud was known for his brilliant colors and his exagerated shadows.
Fourth Grade will continue work on their self-portraits. They will continue to add color to their faces and begin working on their clothing and finally the shadows, again, giving their faces a more 3-dimensional look.
Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to hear our kiddos chat about these fun things! Especially interested to see Michael's self portrait!!!