Hello Maple Glen Families!
I apologize for the delay but my Google account sent me a suspicious message and I was forced to change my password. After talking with our tech-man Mr. Grogan, he told me that someone was probably fishing....phishing?..to intrude into my computer space. I was not able to access my blog from school but I am able to access here from home today! Yeah! I thought it was completely gone! I'm home today because of the weather so already our week is changing. Here's what our week has the potential of looking like...lol!
Kindergarten-The children have been introduced to the women of Gees Bend, AL. They will be starting their own paper quilt block using fat lines and many of their scraps. Their goal is to create a pattern as they assemble their block. The women of Gees Bend saved every scrap they had to make their quilts.
First Grade- The children prepared their puppets for being a person or an animal by having arms and legs glued to their puppets. They also drew the faces on their puppets. They will start painting and applying the hair, ears, tails, etc. this week. I can hardly contain their excitement as they enter the art room!
Second Grade-The second grade has finished their tropical birds on Amate' paper. They are currently displayed on the bulletin boards by the cafeteria. This week they will review texture in art and begin making an accordian folded fish. They will add a dorsal fin and a tail along with a breast fin to their fish.
Third Grade-We have started weaving on our pouches! The first day of weaving is always the most difficult. Many children still want to weave without paying attention to that first warp thread however, they will work all the "bugs" out of their weaving and it will be "smooth cruising" from here on out!
Fourth Grade-Our self-portraits are finished and they are amazing! They will be displayed very soon. I had planned on moving right into the Ron Burns' lesson however, the fourth grade is responsible for drawing the school on our all school art project with Sofiya Inger. To prepare for that task, we will be working on a very short lesson about architecture, as an art form, learning about Frank Lloyd Wright and his "craftsman" style. After all, Maple Glen is a craftsman style school!
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