Thomas Bland Sculpture of our Guiding Principles

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Vacation!

Have a restful and relaxing spring vacation everyone!  For those of you who are traveling please be safe!

Ms. Siminski

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21-25, 2011

Kindergarten - After painting tissue paper like Eric Carle, the children drew animals.  It is the first time in awhile that we've talked about lines and shapes.  They will use some of their beautiful tissue papers to decorate their animals just like Eric Carle! 

First Grade will be introduced to the artist Alexander Calder.  He was an artist who studied to be an engineer but found himself working with wire most of the time.  He is known for creating the mobile, a moving piece of artwork that hangs from the ceiling.  The children will begin to trace and cut out wonderful, curving, shapes like Alexander Calder's shapes.  Next week they will cut their shapes out and assemble them into a mobile using hangers and pipe cleaners.  His work is very recognizable!  He also designed stabiles, which stay on the ground, and painted many beautiful paintings with the same kind of lines he made with his wire and his wonderful, curving shapes!  There is an Alexander Calder mobile at the IMA but you have to look up to see it!

Second grade will begin a unit reviewing the element of texture.  Fish will be the medium chosen to study texture.  They will begin creating an accordian, folded, fish to which they will apply texture using "fun foam".  I love this lesson!

Third grade is nearly finished with their pouches.  Classes that are finished will be introduced to architecture as art.  They will learn about several well know architects, Frank Lloyd Wright, I. M. Pei,  Antoni Goudi, and Frank Gehry.  They will begin to draw an American Victorian house.  They are so much fun to draw because of all of their ornate design.  They are a great study of line!

Fourth grade continues to add color to their Ron Burns' cats and dogs.  They are really coming along beautifully.  I am very proud of their work.  This is not an easy lesson.

Friday, March 11, 2011

On a personal note....

I often wonder what individual art teachers do when they are feeling artistic.  I am a textile artist.  I am a quilter.  I have been quilting with the same gals, The Quilting Fans, for 23 years.  Our hobby brought us together but our lives are sewn together with many shared experiences.  We watched our youngest member bring twins into the world.  We've all experienced the angst of watching our children graduate from high school, select colleges, and leave home for the first time, knowing that they wouldn't be returning home much ever again.    Two of our members had children who graduated from academies.  Go Navy!  Go Airforce!  Oh!  I cannot forget all the beginning drivers and our graying hairs!  We've buried mothers and fathers and one sister.  We've survived breast cancer, and held one of us up through a divorce.  Penny said, "We've loved each other through the good, the bad, and the ugly!"  So true...  We've attended many weddings and now we are becomming grandmothers.  Lot's of baby quilts are in the works!  I thought I would share some of my quilts from time to time.  I will post my grandson's quilt that I made for my daughter's first baby shower.  I also made the sock monkey.  I recently finished two quilt tops that I will have quilted by a professional quilter.  I hope you enjoy this glimpse into my artistic life.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 14-18, 2011

Kindergarten-The children will be painting tissue paper just like Eric Carle!  The tissue paper will be used during our next class time to add color to some of Eric Carle's characters.

First grade learned how artists make pictures move.  Claymation artists actually call their characters puppets.  This week the children will begin learning about the texture of turtles and they will practice their clay modeling techniques using paly dough.

Second grade has been glazing their African masks.  I have to fire them one more time before the children can add hair and whiskers. 

Third grade will finish their weavings this week!  You'll see them coming home soon.  Many thanks to Mrs. England for helping with Mrs. Stephan's class.

Fourth grade has begun to add color to their Ron Burns' cats and dogs.  They will be using oil pastels to make their animals in vibrant colors.  They also wrote the Guiding Principles using acrylic paints to create textures.  Their Guiding Principles will be used by Mrs. Sofiya, our guest artist, to complete the Maple Glen art installation.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 7-11, 2011

Kindergarten will be viewing a video about how Eric Carle paints his tissue paper that he uses in his illustrations.  This lesson ties in with their field trip to see The Very Hungry Catepillar and two other plays developed by Eric Carle.

First Grade has finished their puppets.  Many of the children brought them home on Friday.  There are about twenty on display just outside the art room.  Please come and see them!  Each class wrote a play using every puppet created by their classmates.  Their play will come home with their puppet.  Next, the children will be revisiting the topic of texture.  They will soon be making "texture turtles" out of ceramic clay but first they have to practice manipulating the clay.  This week they will practice and develope clay techniques using Play Dough.  They will use a rolling pin to roll their clay out flat, learn how to roll coils, and use a variety of stamps and tools to add texture to their clay.  Life just doesn't get any better than this!

Second grade will be glazing their Bembe' masks.  They will choose between four colors and apply the glaze to their masks.  The masks have to be fired again and then the children will add rafia as a finishing touch (if they chose to add hair or wiskers to their masks).  Their masks look wonderful!

Third grade will (hopefully) complete their woven pouches this week.  This is a labor intensive project but they love their pouches!  I do not display them because the kids are so excited to  finish and they want to take them home right away. They'll be coming home soon!

Fourth grade has nearly finished copying their Ron Burns cat or dog.  They will begin adding color using oil pastels.  The children love the intensity of color that oil pastels deliver.  I will encourage them to use their oil pastels in a "painterly manner", blending colors and applying the color without the benefit of lines to stay within.  This is a mature project for the kids and they always make me proud!