Thomas Bland Sculpture of our Guiding Principles

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21-25, 2011

Kindergarten - After painting tissue paper like Eric Carle, the children drew animals.  It is the first time in awhile that we've talked about lines and shapes.  They will use some of their beautiful tissue papers to decorate their animals just like Eric Carle! 

First Grade will be introduced to the artist Alexander Calder.  He was an artist who studied to be an engineer but found himself working with wire most of the time.  He is known for creating the mobile, a moving piece of artwork that hangs from the ceiling.  The children will begin to trace and cut out wonderful, curving, shapes like Alexander Calder's shapes.  Next week they will cut their shapes out and assemble them into a mobile using hangers and pipe cleaners.  His work is very recognizable!  He also designed stabiles, which stay on the ground, and painted many beautiful paintings with the same kind of lines he made with his wire and his wonderful, curving shapes!  There is an Alexander Calder mobile at the IMA but you have to look up to see it!

Second grade will begin a unit reviewing the element of texture.  Fish will be the medium chosen to study texture.  They will begin creating an accordian, folded, fish to which they will apply texture using "fun foam".  I love this lesson!

Third grade is nearly finished with their pouches.  Classes that are finished will be introduced to architecture as art.  They will learn about several well know architects, Frank Lloyd Wright, I. M. Pei,  Antoni Goudi, and Frank Gehry.  They will begin to draw an American Victorian house.  They are so much fun to draw because of all of their ornate design.  They are a great study of line!

Fourth grade continues to add color to their Ron Burns' cats and dogs.  They are really coming along beautifully.  I am very proud of their work.  This is not an easy lesson.

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