Thomas Bland Sculpture of our Guiding Principles

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A New Blogging Attitude!

Hello Elementary Art Enthusiasts!
I really enjoy having a blog about my classroom.  I originally created this blog to support a yearly goal at my school.  I posted often and I posted about each lesson for each grade level thinking that my parents would log on and view what their children were doing in art.  Well, that was not the case and I became discouraged spending so much time blogging with so few parents reading my blog.  After all, I created it for them. 

So...I met my goal for that school year and now my blog is going to be about my lessons and my thoughts as an elementary art educator.  I love my job!  I love children's artwork!  It is so pure and from the heart and totally least until the age of 10!  I hope you enjoy your visit and that you'll return to visit often!



  1. You are awesome & a favorite of the Peck clan. Thanks for all you do for the kiddos. Each of ours have their owned box of "saved 'til they move out" art projects and projects that have/do grace the walls of our home. So much fun! :)

    1. You are so sweet! I enjoy your children so much! They are always HARD WORKING!!!
